The Aristocrat

NOTE: The national specialty "supplements" (i.e. results) are under the History tab in the menu above as well with each year's list of issues.

BCOA has revised the rules for calculating Obedience, Agility and Rally standings. Click here to view the new rules.


Mission Statement

The Aristocrat is the official publication of the Borzoi Club of America and is published quarterly in order to inform, educate and entertain the members by provising historical and current information on the Breed and issues affecting the well-being of our Borzoi.

Statement of Intent

It is the intent that the Aristocrat: Serve as a record of BCOA and its activities Provide a convenient forum for the reporting of statistics on the accomplishments of the members in conformation, companion and performance events.


  • Deadlines for submission of material for the Aristocrat are February 15th, May 15th, August 15th and November 15th. A separate Specialty issue may be offered so that the results can be published as soon as possible after the National.
  • Deadlines established by the Aristocrat Committee will be strictly adhered to.
  • The right to reasonably edit all material or refuse to print material thought to be questionable or not in the best interest of the breed or Club is reserved by the Aristocrat Committee and the Editor.
  • Only signed letters or articles will be accepted for use.
  • Only Borzoi related artwork will be utilized for the cover of the Aristocrat. If artwork is not available for a particular issues then the Club logo shall be utilized for the cover.
  • The following material will be published in the Aristocrat issue immediately following the National Specialty:
    • Photos of the recipients of the Annual Awards in:
      • Conformation
      • Best Opposite Sex in Conformation
      • Obedience
      • Open Field Coursing
      • Lure Coursing
      • LGRA
      • Breeder of Top Conformation Borzoi
      • Breeder/Owner/Handler Award
      • National Owner-Handled Series
      • Top Junior Showman
    • Photos of the Specialty Conformation and Performance winners
    • Judge's critique of Conformation classes
    • Catalog pages and performance results
    • Candid photos as available
  • Articles submitted by BCOA Committee Chairs will be included as available.
  • Any claims or statements by writers in the Aristocrat represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the Aristocrat Committee or the Officers and Directors of the Borzoi Club of America.
  • All content is subject to the final approval of the Aristocrat Committee.
  • Results and photos from BCOA Trophy Supported entries will be included as provided by the TSE Show Chairman.