Conformation Mentor Criteria

BCOA approved mentors are the preferred mentors for the BCOA National or Regional Specialties and may additionally provide ringside mentoring at any qualifying conformation event with a major entry. BCOA mentors may present at a BCOA JEC Seminar as requested. Mentors are required to attend at a BCOA National once every five (5) years to attend a JEC presentation and mentor at ringside.

Mentors may be approved by the BCOA Board of Directors after meeting the following qualifications and completion of the application process.


• Be a BCOA member* in good standing for a minimum of 12 years. (*full voting membership)
• Have a minimum of 12 years of continuous personal experience in breeding and participating in Borzoi breed specific conformation and performance events.
• Have owned and exhibited at least 10 Borzoi to AKC conformation and/or AKC, ASFA, OFC championship titles. With a minimum of 2/3 being AKC conformation champions.
• Have attended and completed in its entirety a BCOA sponsored Judge’s Breed Seminar including the hands-on presentation.
• Be knowledgeable of the history and original purpose of Borzoi and how these pertain to the Borzoi Standard of today.
• Be thoroughly familiar with the BCOA Standard and can communicate all observations in Standard specific language.
• Competent to share knowledge and provide guidance through the open exchange of information in a positive and objective manner, while avoiding any hint of bias pertaining to a specific line or style. Also have good personal communication skills with the ability to do public speaking.
• Recognizes that the BCOA breed standard and accompanying BCOA JEC materials are the only BCOA approved materials for use in mentoring.

Additional Experiences for Consideration (check those that apply)

☐ Attended a minimum of 5 national specialties in 3 different regions.
☐ AKC judge for at least 12 years.
☐ Judged regular classes at a BCOA national.
☐ Judged regular classes at a regional specialty
☐ Number of litters bred ___, number of puppies produced ___, number of champions ___
☐ Other: (Please list on Application)

List of the current approved mentors

Download the Mentor Application Form

AKC Conformation Judging Resource Center